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St. Helena Primary School

Home of the Angels

Technology Policy/Guidelines

The St. Helena Unified School District believes in the educational value of the Internet, including electronic mail, and believes that it can extend and enrich student learning. The goal in providing this service is to provide greater access to information and improve communication.  The parent or legal guardian of a student user is required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of the District’s Student Responsible Use of Technology Agreement as part of the annual registration process, which includes signing and submitting an Internet agreement form at the beginning of each school year. A copy of the Internet agreement can be found below.

Also, the St. Helena Unified School District is pleased to be able to offer access to its District iPads, which provide the necessary programs required by classes, and the District’s network, which provides access to the Internet. To gain access to these resources and enjoy the privilege of using them throughout the school term, students and parents must sign and return the iPad Student and Parent Agreement to the school principal. 

Internet Agreement